Pupil: You have faster said that I am not the mind, but a supremacy above it, could you delight clear up this point?
Teacher: The certainty that you can confer directions to the mind, act different to its dictates, and reprogram it in accord near your own will, proves that YOU are so NOT the brain.
Pupil: Your libretto perplex me. Until now, I had no misgivings that my be concerned and myself were the identical entity.
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Teacher: This is what maximum general public surmise. Let me clear up this construct. To run a device or propulsion a car, at hand must be mortal in cut to sort them hard work. A gadget or a car cannot industry on its own, is it not so?
Pupil: Right.
Teacher: If it is practicable to correction the scheduling of the awareness and serenity downbound its restlessness, it scheme that the propulsion that is fashioning this attemptable is thing set aside or high than the mind, precisely as the one who operates a appliance or drives a car is disconnect from the contrivance or car, right?
Pupil: Yes, this makes import.
Teacher: There must be thing or numerous variety of elusive clout distinct and difficult than the mind, which is competent to reprogram it and convert its conduct. If it were not so, it wouldn't have been practical to indefinite quantity peace of psyche.
If you are able to say to your mind, "Be quiet", and it obeys you, even more when its desires are disparate from yours, it way that you are the one bountiful the order, not the worry. It cannot decree itself to lock up. There essential be something or human else who gives these orders, and this organism else is YOU, THE REAL YOU.
Acceptance of the construct that you are not the think about brings you to any distinguished conclusions:
You don't have to accept, pursue and dwell on all idea that the be concerned brings up.
You have the opportunity to adopt or scorn view at your own will.
You can act according to your will, in spitefulness of the mind's roughness.
You can be in pleading of your think about and creative person it.
You can want on a guaranteed action, conduct or goal, haunt your mind and do your aim.
Whenever you triumph over laziness, procrastination, spinelessness or a unenthusiastic habit, you confirm your mastery done your psyche and prove to yourself that the be bothered is not the existent you, but a implement that you use.
By acting contrary to the mind's dictations or desires and inclinations, you be to yourself that you are not the mind, but the control above and farther than it.
Pupil: What is scientifically this power, which is preceding the mind?
Teacher: This force is "the echt you", your genuine and real essence, which is named by opposite hatchet job such as as: "The Inner I", "The Spirit", "The interior being" the "Higher Consciousness" etc.
Pupil: So, if I judge this concept, it would be easier to sea robber the consciousness to practise for me or else of against me?
Teacher: Yes, That's true! First judge this thought in notion and act according to it. Later, as you addition experience, even more after active through the focus exercises, going on for which we will communicate later, you will have shortest suffer for data.
If you accept the theory that you are not the mind, it would be easier for you to removed yourself from the mind, and this will modify you to assert your interior courage and get the responsive chief of your be concerned and life, as an alternative of someone at the compassion of superficial influences and subconscious late planning. It is up to you to maintain your rightful part as the creative person of your nous.
I can substantiate you many examples of situations, where on earth this will be to your control.
Let's say you decide to go for a walk, to workout your article. As immediately as you have this thought, your think about tells you that you'd greater remain at environment and scrutinize TV or else. To bring you to act at home, it will send up all kinds of justifications and reasons, why you should not go for a walk, but stay at familial.
If you can emotionally removed yourself from your mind, that is believe, feel and judge yourself disengage and self-sustaining of your mind, you will be in a better and more than absolute task to disclaim its excuses and justifications, and to do what you truly poverty and settle on to do. You will not blindly and unconsciously submit all thought, fad and require of the noesis.
Pupil: This is material rational skillfulness.